Data Center Decomissioning

Crawford Hoying

Dublin, Ohio

In June 2021, Iron Flag Power Systems completed the decommissioning of Crawford Hoying’s (formerly Huntington Bank's), 10,000 sq ft data center in Dublin, OH.  Iron Flag removed (1) 750kw Caterpillar generator, (1) 750kw Kohler/Mitsubishi generator, (1) 650kw Kohler/MTU generator, (6) UPS systems (various sizes), (5) PDUs, (14) CRAC units, 10,000 sq ft of raised access floor, Square-D switchgear line-ups, 42,000 lbs. of lead acid batteries, and approximately 30,000 lbs. of wire and metal scrap.

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Stop Paying to Decommission Your Data Center

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